Originally Posted by Supple Cow
Boys aren't sexualized at an extremely young age by the media. You probably didn't stand in front of the mirror lifting up your shirt trying to look "sexy" (and not really knowing fully what that was) at a young age (like younger than 10) the way I did.
au contrair....standing in front of a mirror, flexing to see if i had muscles, doing push ups in 4th grade because i'm supposed to be muscular like the wwf guys? lifting weights in 9th grade, some kids in high school were actually taking roids......sounds stupid now, but fonzie, vinnie barbarino, leif garret, any hairless boy on the cover of "Teen beat", "cool" guys who "got the chicks" and i didn't know why, but i knew i wasn't like them and i should be. as for the "mens magainzes" i mentioned earlier, GQ (giant queer), MENS VOGUE?!?!?!? , details, complex, men's health, mens journal, etc etc. men's versions of cosmo and glamour. all those hairless guys with flat abs and huge chisled pecs and a full head of wild untamed yet moussed hair, sporting the watches and shoes and clothes....all the chicks want that...and then there is me....ok, honestly boys don't have it as hard as girls, but we have our share of image pressure....starts when we are young, gets worse as we age...
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Disclaimer: I'm a tofu-eating hippie.
i am a part time tofu eating hippie as well....