Shauk, you have something that not many people have, and you should cherish it like the very air you breathe. I'm talking about true freedom.
To me, the idea of packing up everything I own and bolting for parts unknown is utterly unfathomable. I have a job, a house, two beautiful children, and a woman that I love with my entire soul. I don't have what you'd truly call "freedom". I have many things that I am responsible for, and that I need to hold up my end of the responsibility bargain for. Any decision I make will directly affect no less than 4 people, and will indirectly affect many more. There is no decision that I make in the morning and execute that afternoon that has any greater weight than, "What should we have for dinner?"
You have none of these constraints. You can go an explore the world (albeit on a small budget, and that's less of a constraint than you think). But you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself. You don't have to worry about ANY of it. That, my friend, is true freedom, and while you might not realize it, that is something very unique that you probably don't even grasp how precious it is at this point in your life.
I'm not saying my life is bad. Quite the opposite. I am very happy where I am, and with the decisions I've made in my life. But that is the trade off between true freedom, and chosen bondage to various things in life that require commitment.
You need to start to comprehend the endless freedom and opportunity you have in front of you right now, because if you're like most people, the day will come when you have none of it, and while you won't be unhappy, you'll most certainly have those days when you'll look back and realize how foolish you were to not realize the amazing things you COULD have done if you had only realized how open your life was to doing pretty much anything you wanted.
Embrace your freedom. Go follow your life.