I got broke
A few weeks ago I'm riding my bicycle to a movie where I was going to meet a few friends. I was riding along a two way road and this girl coming my way takes a left....right into me. I bounce off her car, while my bicycle goes flying. and hit another car then hit the ground. This car just so happens to be a meter-maid's car and she's in the back seat. She feels something hit her car and she gets out. When she gets out she just so happens to step on my foot which I find out later has a broken ankle attached to it. so now I have a broken ankle, and a lacerated achilles. so I sit, alot, just chillin' here doing enternet stuff for about 6 weeks unable to walk around or do anything for myself. Kinda sucks, I really liked that bicycle.
Anyway, this sucks in an extreme manner for me because I'm a really active person and I can't stand sitting for two days much less six weeks. I also can allready feel my legs atrophying. Any suggestions for keeping this at a minimum? Any suggestions for not getting fat? I've been walking around on my hands a bit, but I can only do that in a limited amount.
Got any suggestion for keeping myself occupied? I'm really not used to sitting around all the time.
I'm kind of jealous of the life I'm supposedly leading.
- Zach Braff