Originally Posted by squeeeb
i don't understand why women feel they HAVE to add makeup to make themselves better.
See that's like saying you HAVE to brush your hair or shave your face to make yourself better... most people look a little more put-together when they do. Makeup is just another accessory and I play with it just like I play with new hairstyles every now and then. I don't think it makes me better with than when I'm without it... it's just that it puts an extra sparkle in my eye or lets my lips highlight my rad new outfit when I feel like it. The key is that I only use it when I feel like it.. because it's fun to be colorful.
The neat thing about being a woman is that we get to be our own canvas and express ourselves like giant walking coloring books every day. At least that's how I see it. It's not like I make sure to hit up the mascara and eyeliner every time I leave the house, even just to go running. (In fact, I tried eyeliner - Cleopatra style - to help with the sunlight while running once and it didn't really work too well so I'm never doing that again.

Originally Posted by Crompsin
This MEN'S HEALTH crap is just the male version of cosmo. "GET SIX PACK ABS" "LOSE THAT GUT" Blah-blah. Real men are happy with their beer guts and huge forearms.
I guess this is true of men's magazines too, but there is something about the way girls are socialized that make these magazines have such a huge impact on girls compared to boys. I know when I was a teenager, despite my Riotgrrl / third (fifth?) wave tendencies, I still had this sinking feeling in my gut that those magazines were the standard and that I wasn't measuring up. I don't think that many boys feel that way, particularly in relation to magazines.