The Soprano's movie is rumored to be a prequel. The story of what happens before Tony ascends to power.
Consider this synopsis, taken from a Sopranos forum.
Tony's dead. (Sorry but this is going to be a long comment.)
A) First episode of this season Bobby says you don't hear it when you're shot.
B) Second to last episode of this season, Tony flashes to Bobby saying you don't hear it when you're shot.
C) The entire story arc was about Tony - when Tony's gone, the arc is done.
D) In the diner, every time someone walked through the door, the perspective changed to Tony's as he looked up
E) After the last bell jingle, just as the perspective changed to Tony's everything went black and silent - as though the person whose perspective we were to shift to was no longer alive
F) The cat was a reminder that Tony killed Chris, and had Adriana killed. The cat was a reminder that Tony's a bad guy - who has it coming.
G) There was so much symmetry between Phil's execution in front of his family and Tony's last moments
H) We all know how much Godfather III ruined the Godfather movies. I think the focus on Meadow was a reference to the Godfather. David Chase didn't end it the way Godfather III ended. This time the boss gets killed.
I) Every other episode ended in music during the credits. This one had no music because Tony's dead.
J) Episode titles have always meant something. This episode's title referred to Bobby's gift of the gun to Tony. When he gave it to him he made the comment about how everything would just go silent when you were shot.
K) The ending was so incredibly brilliant. We all felt what it was like to be Tony in those final five minutes. We all felt nervous, anxious, just as he must have felt. After being absorbed into Tony's experience, we were left with silence and blackness like death because...
Tony is dead.
Its perfect. Tony's dead. Or not. Chase didn't follow the rules for a series at all. Why should he now? This was the single best ending to this series because so much was expected of it. Is the above 'guess' correct? Or did T and family finish the onion ring appetizer and order dinner? Were you sitting there with you heart beating in your chest when the screen went black? I tend to think Tony's dead. I also think Chase nailed this one.