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Old 06-10-2007, 04:45 PM   #41 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Telluride
If someone breaks into your home but doesn't steal, damage, destroy or even touch anything, should it still be a crime? Why is trespassing, in and of itself, a crime? These are issues of property rights, and national borders determine where one country's property rights end and another's begin.
If someone broke into my house and cleaned it up and charged less than my cleaning lady, I don't see myself pressing charges. But that's a really good argument (seriously). I had to think about that one for a minute. I understand what you're saying, but I put a great deal of interest in how we can live like friends in our global neighborhood. I want us to be a good neighbor, and we can't do that (right now) by shutting down our borders and kicking them out. A better way to do this would be to retool CAFTA and other trade agreements
in order to benefit everyone, not just the few. When Clinton loaned Mexico $50b in the 1994 devaluation of the peso, it was a fantastic start, but the real process of healing the Mexican economy is going to take decades of hands on work. I know, Mexicans aren't the only immigrants, but I know a ton of Mexicans, and I'm pretty sure that Mexicans represent the largest illegal population in the US. We should be helping them because it's the right thing to do. Imagine if we took 100m of the hundreds of billions of dollars sent to Iraq and helped to build a school infrastructure in Mexico.
Originally Posted by Telluride
It sounds to me like these US corporations made their own beds and, at some point, may be forced to lie in them. And do we have any credible evidence that Mexico would kick Ford out if America ever got the balls secure its borders? It would be silly for an impoverished nation to intentionally eliminate a source of decent jobs just out of spite.
I suppose there's very little evidence of anything of this nature because the US had never done this (that I'm aware of).
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