I think the issue is more complex than we give it credit for. You are assuming that we are assuming that all "brown" people (whatever that means) are illegal immigrant or Hispanic (which is quite wrong).
First, Hispanic is a language group that is hightly diverse within itself. It is NOT a race nor is it an ethnicity.
Rat, I don't think anyone said that Mexican or Chinese illegal immigrants were inherently criminal. I think the circumstances have created a criminal context. That is, the very illegal nature of their status has fostered a criminal activity environment. Note that I do not blame the illegals themselves per se (that's another thread). So often, their very arrival has criminal beginnings such as comeing here through human smuggling and then beholden to a debt often repaid through criminal activity. Like mentioned before, there are other groups like Russians etc too. Lets not all obssess over "Mexicans".
In answer to the other question, I have no problem with the numbers of people (immigrants etc). We have plenty of room and our nation thrives on its diversity and immigrant tenacity. I have a huge problem with the illegal status and manner in which these people would flagrantly flout our laws.
I have attended many citizenship ceremonies of my friends, the legal immigrants who patiently waited and followed the law and I am always honored and humbled by their commitment and loyalty.
The other issue raised, Reconquista and othe groups like La Raza, I think should be another thread. La Raza is mostly college kids who don't really know what they are talking about and don't quite see the irony in he fact that they are funded by the school and state to tout their racist and violent views. They are also mostly Americans as far as I can tell. I doubt some poor illegals dude would really want to run around with a group like that.
The Mexican side of the equation is an important one that needs discussion I think. They simply cannot get their act together. I know the US is not perfect but damn, their government makes ours look like saints. That is the biggest problem I think. Fixing their corruption so that their economy and society can function. If you can stabilize that country, then maybe relax the borders a bit, I think things will even out. Many of the illegals don't want to come and live in the US. They do not plan on living here. They just want to work and return to their families as soon as they can. So I don't anticipate some sort of Exodus or mass migration to El Norte. Maybe at first in a scramble for jobs or what have you. I think it would ultimately balance out (over time). And maybe you would even see a whole bunch of Gringos moving south, buying up houses in retirement communities (which has already happened but the Mexican government has crazy strict laws on foreigners and immigration, go figure).