Originally Posted by willravel
So none of those crimes have victims? Sorry, that statement doesn't stand up.
If someone breaks into your home but doesn't steal, damage, destroy or even touch anything, should it still be a crime? Why is trespassing, in and of itself, a crime? These are issues of property rights, and national borders determine where one country's property rights end and another's begin.
Originally Posted by willravel
This was before the US corporations realized that they could produce cars outside the US for a lot less money. The system, as it is now, is dependent on that saving of money. You can see as well as I can that even with the cars being built so cheaply they need to lay off workers. Imagine that savings was suddenly removed. Mercury would die, and other companies would be sure to follow. That's the reality.
It sounds to me like these US corporations made their own beds and, at some point, may be forced to lie in them. And do we have any credible evidence that Mexico would kick Ford out if America ever got the balls secure its borders? It would be silly for an impoverished nation to intentionally eliminate a source of decent jobs just out of spite.