Originally Posted by debaser
Compromise on some things ONLY comes from apathy.
We're arguing glass half empty and glass half full. We're both right.
Originally Posted by debaser
It's a matter of prioritizing things. When you are in combat, your priorities are truly in the right place.
Your priorities are given to you through the command structure.
Originally Posted by debaser
When you return to the 'States they stand in stark contrast to the things this society holds important. There may be a way other than apathy, but I certainly can't think of a way to "expand my horizons" to the point where I care what happens to Paris Hilton, much less think that it merits more attention on the news than the deaths of American servicemen in OIF/OEF.
You ahve to make your own priorities, and some people are shitty at that. That's the way it is. I, personally, try to lead by example. It's optimistic, sure, but it's better than doing nothing. For example, and keeping with your Paris Hilton comment, I posted
this response in the Paris Hilton thread.
I'd die to bring our troops home.
Originally Posted by debaser
Bitterness gives way to apathy, the state most Americans live their whole lives in.
I'd argue that "many" should be replaced with "some" in your statement. There's no real way to know how many people are apathetic, or who's definition of apathy should be used. dksuddeth would consider me apathetic about guns, but I'm not apathetic about many things.