A time line of these events is missing
When were they "told that the World Trade Center would collapse"? The anser is what is missing.
a - was it days before?
b - was it hours before?
c - minutes before?
d - seconds before?
I don't know the answer but if someone does please corre3ct the following assumption if it is wrong.
let's assume that it was minutes or seconds before.
If so, could not the second quote be true?
"No one that I know had any idea that they would implode"
When did they have no idea of this?
a - The whole time up until the exact moment the 1st tower fell and it surprised them?
b - The whole time up until seconds or minutes before when it becase apparent to some that it would and they were surprised.
c - They knew.
In my opinion (and I am not vouching for Giuliani) I would say that they did not know the towers were going to collapse until minutes or seconds before when it became apparent to them that they could fall.
There is no contradiction in those quote in my opinion.
Sticky The Stickman