We will all eventually lose friends... but not all of them to death.
Be thankful for the time you had with him. Continue to be his friend if you can. It will likely do him some good on some level to have a connection to his past, and a person he trusts as a friend. You won't fix it. You will never make it "better", more bearable, or easier for him, in the long term. From moment to moment, however, you can choose to be there for him or not. If he's truly been committed, then he's too far gone for them to trust him with his own meds. The person who was your friend is gone. Now you can either be there for him in the moment, or choose to move on.
No one will judge you for saying goodbye.
(p.s.- stevie667 has it right with the conversation... when he goes into fantastic thinking, just change the subject to something ordinary. Pointing out the impossibility/falsehood of something will only upset him, and it's not particularly healthy to "play along" with his delusions, either.)