"Hey Freshman where do you think you're going?" the girl on the left sneered, her eyes fixed coldly on Aki's.
"I think I'd like to go through that door," she replied simply.
The older girl blew air heavily out in a soft snort. "You've got to be kidding. Don't waste my time."
Aki shook her head and threw her tessen open. "Try me."
"Save yourself some embarrassment and back down. Now." But as she said this, she reached to her side and drew a long, thin blade.
Aki spoke with more confidence than she felt, but she closed her tessen back up, pointed it at the girl, and let her lips curl into the increasingly familiar word, "Kentou". The other guard's attention was entirely devoted to Kuro, and Kin and Onigami were still sitting in the doorway. This guard held Aki with her dark, unkind eyes. Aki felt like they were in a tunnel, isolated from everything else- this she knew, and though her muscles tingled like they had frozen mid-shiver, this tunnel made her feel brave.
"Blade of the Rising Sun!" The guard shouted, calling Aki out from the tunnel and back into the sandy courtyard. She held her blade up to the sun, reflecting it and redirecting it into Aki's line of vision. It was more than a cheap trick, though- the steel seemed to be pulling the sun's light into itself and then forcing the bright energy to gush back out. Aki blinked, only to find that it made her vision worse. 'How stupid of me!' she thought angrily, her tessen still closed in her hand. There was a moment where the light seemed to lessen, and then she felt the girl's arms around her from behind, and the sword's edge pressed lightly against her throat.
The guard puffed hot air out of her nose in an airy snort again. She began to speak, breathing on Aki and making the hairs on her neck prickle, "Like I said, save yourself the..." but she didn't have time to finish. Letting her have time to jump behind her was a rookie mistake on Aki's part, but now she was in a position she knew. She knew how to get out of this, and she knew how to fight a sword. In an instant, Aki felt her body align itself with the tessen. All her movements were focused on moving the fan.
"I think," Aki said, pulling her tessen out from her side, "that you," here she opened the blades and swung her arm back, "made a huge mistake," and now she whipped her wrist, bringing the sharp edge of the tessen in a dripping red slice along the girl's right arm.
The guard was startled enough to loosen her grip on Aki and she took the escape, falling to her ankles and kicking out to knock the guard off her balance. She was in close now and she wasn't going to loose any distance. The guard would have to plunge her sword down into Aki to even have a chance, but she was ready to dodge. The guard tried to slash Aki's shoulder but she brought up the open tessen to block, using momentum as she sprung back up to deflect the sword a little to the side. Aki's face was right up against the girl's. They were falling, but everything seemed to be moving very slowly for Aki. She looked her in the eye and smiled darkly, simultaneously folding the tessen back up and jabbing the small rounded hinged end into the girl's ribs. Aki heard the air puff through her nose, this time as an echo to Aki's own snort and not the girl's. While the girl was trying to take in another breath, Aki stopped her fall and pushed herself backwards. The guard slid back and little but caught herself and slid just a little in the sand. She looked up at Aki, hatefully, but Aki was running by her, hitting another key pressure point on her shoulder. She missed a little, so it didn't have the instant drooping effect she had hoped for, but it still kept the guard from bringing her sword back up.
In a second hit, Aki reached back and jabbed the rounded end of the tessen into the pressure point directly between the girl's shoulder blades. This blow landed full force, and the girl began to collapse forward. Aki heard her cough and spit out a little blood as she prepared her final blow-the soft spot on the back on the skull. Blood dribbled into the sand and Aki looked away towards Kuro for a moment. She could tell that something was wrong. All of the excited energy he usually fought with seemed drained and the guard was closing in on him.
"KURO!" she called--nothing. The other guard laughed at her, bolstering Aki's anger higher. She was almost finished with her own fight and she knew she couldn't interfere with his. 'But...' in a torn moment she tried to move towards him, but the guard's chi repelled her. "Kuro!" she called again, her emotions jolting out of control on her adreneline. Then, just as she saw him reach out and stop the guard, she was called back to her own fight. The girl was beginning to struggle up as Aki readied her final blow. Still feeling angry, she raised the end of the tessen, but then caught herself--too much adrenaline. She had let herself feel hate-- a completely worthless emotion in a fight. She breathed in, pressing her thumb into the butterfly on the tessen. She turned the fan to the large blunt side, stood behind the girl, and pushed her into a painful slumber.
Aki gasped as though she had been holding her breath in for the whole fight. She looked down at her hand holding the tessen, now quivering from the adrenaline release. She crouched beside the guard, and said in a soft voice that almost sounded like her own again (or at least the one she knew), "You know, you were stronger than me, but you lost the moment you thought you'd won."
She stood back up and looked around, wondering if anyone had seen her change.
Last edited by nevin; 06-08-2007 at 12:09 PM..