Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
I work in a building that has passed inspections despite code violations that should result in it being shut down. There are firewalls cut of 6 inches above the suspended ceiling, miles of wiring run by unlicensed workers through walls with fireproofing not installed, A/C filters that aren't on the replacement list and are either clogged or missing, a gas leak that's dealt with by a fan venting to outside, defective fire doors, and a plethora of other violations. It's still open and occupied by 1700 people per day.
If it is in a major american city, either someone is getting paid under the table, or the maintenance personnel don't have a clue what a safety check list is.
However TWC 7 is a completely different kettle of fish. I've had experience with GSA space jockies, they're always moving people around forcing utility changes, and each time the systems have to pass city building inspections.
Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
There are firewalls cut of 6 inches above the suspended ceiling.
Your local fire marshall's a crook, and for your own safety you might think about changing jobs.