"Beer for ayvuurybaudy!", Oni shouted as he flung two bottles into the air, catching one in his mouth, the other landing solidly on the crown of Kin's head. Leaning over to Kin, he half-shouted in a feigned whisper, "She's lying about the way she looks. I am...uf...HIC can tell 'cause my hair is that color but normal and not fucking color somethinged. But the good thing about stuff, especially that, is that if your drink enough of this wonderful stuff, it makes you more not angry of less, you see?" Kin was visibly confused by this, but this did not prevent him from imbibing along side the already buzzing Onigami.
"Hey, you four over there," screamed Onigami, turning his atttention towards his comrades and the guards, "I've got a great idea. Alright, are you ready for it? This idea maybe blow your mind right out of your goddamn ears and back into your eyes. Ready? Let's just stand around some more. You like that? Fucking right, 'cause that's what you're doing. YOU! speaking now only to the nearest guard, whipping a beer directly at her head You should really drink that. God knows you need some prettying up. You look like a baboon in heat's ass that a dog threw up on. Fuck, you're ugly. You might make me throw up. Oh god, oh god, I think I'm gonna...."
Onigami staggered to his feet and stumbled along the wall in the general direction of the guard. Oni continued berating her, "Oh, you're so ugly I'm gonna... Oh god.... Wait, wait....", then pulled three more beers from behind his back, quickly chugged them all at once, and, lifting his mask slightly, proceeded to spew the most heinous projectile technicolor yawn directly at the guard, covering her in a foul viscous solution of cheap Japanese lager, bile and what looked like Cheetos but smelled like rotting fish. "I thought dogs ate vomit. Go ahead, dogface, eat it up. What? Are you gonna do something about it? Didn't think so, dogface." The guard was still in a state of shock at what had just happened. Knowing full well that she was incapable of reacting now, Onigami simply turned around, grabbed another beer and sat back down next to Kin, laughing all the while.