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Old 06-06-2007, 02:28 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CB_Brooklyn
shakran, who is claiming the beam weapon came from space?
So. . . what. . .Rumsfeld stood on the Empire State Building and fired his blaster at the towers?

And what does that have to do with the "hard evidence"....the dirt?
Some guy claiming he saw what "looked like" topsoil in a dump truck is not evidence, much less hard evidence.

Someone glancing at an aerial picture of the WTC and claiming "yep, uh huh, that sure does look like top soil" is even moreso not evidence.

It's only logical if one just wants to believe the government and corporate media without question.
No one's advising that. But we are saying that if you ARE going to decide the government or the "corporate media" is lying to you, you should maybe have some actual credible evidence instead of a gaggle of dumbasses claiming shit like a star wars style laser cannon and dump trucks that "look like" they have topsoil in them.

If you want to start talking about how Bush & Co. rigged at least one election I'll listen - -but then we have credible evidence that this occurred, not the least of which is the president of the company that makes the voting machines promising to deliver the election "for president Bush" in Ohio.

If you want to talk about how the government knew or at the very least damn well should have known that the terrorist attack was coming, I'll listen too. But then we have actual evidence that points that way as well - - the Clinton administration warned Bush about bin Laden, the CIA warned Bush about bin Laden, and both were ignored.

But if you want to start talking about death rays and things that look like dirt you're gonna have to come up with some actual evidence to back that crap up. Claiming that some guy saw a dump truck carrying what looked like topsoil is crazy. 1) maybe it was. The WTC had landscaping. 2) Maybe it was - who says that particular dump truck came from the WTC site. 3) Maybe it looked like topsoil but wasn't. Hydrochloric acid looks like water, but that doesn't mean it is.

I have news you might find upsetting. When 110 stories of steel glass and concrete collapse, there's going to be a lot of particles left over. There will be big particles, there will be small particles. Microscopic particles and chunks the size of a car. There will be brown particles and black particles and white particles and gray particles and particles that are all the colors in between. And since there was a lot of fire involved, there's going to be a lot of soot, which, surprisingly, when mixed with other small particles looks shockingly like topsoil.

This idiot in the original link, "Dr." Wood, is convinced there's a conspiracy because, among other things, the smoke was 2 different colors. Well I've covered about a jillion house fires in my career and even house fires emit different colored smoke. Does that mean that there's no such thing as a house fire, and Cheney is hiding behind a tree shooting lasers at all the houses? Please. Every single shred of "evidence" "Dr." Wood puts forth is either scientifically stupid (hence the "Dr." in quotes - I'm becoming more and more convinced she got her Ph.D out of a vending machine), contrary to reality, or completely not an issue. She is either a moron or a nut. Or both.

Find someone else to back up your desire for a government conspiracy if you want anyone to take you seriously.

(edit: addendum)

She's upset because the gas tanks in burning cars didn't explode. Clearly she gets her science from the movies. Gas tanks VERY VERY rarely explode. To blow up gasoline you have to atomize it. You can drop a lit match into a pool of gasoline and it won't blow up. It won't even burn - it'll put the match out. I have covered plenty of car accidents that resulted in fires in my career as well. I have NEVER seen a gas tank explode. Occasionally the shocks will blow up if the fire's hot enough because the air in them expands and bursts the shock, but the gas in the tank remains unburned.

Last edited by shakran; 06-06-2007 at 02:39 PM..
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