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Old 06-06-2007, 12:10 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Location: Ventura County
Giuliani is dismissed, opinion not valid, he has an agenda.

I bet everyone who disagrees with you guys on the Libby issue will be dismissed.

Here is another, from the editorial pages of IBD.

Liberate Libby


Posted 6/5/2007

Justice: Sentencing Scooter Libby to 30 months in prison for the crime of misremembering three-year old conversations does more than damage an innocent man. It also damages the very idea of public service.

By now, Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff no doubt regrets not taking extensive notes on every conversation he had over the past six years. If he had, he might not be facing the undeserved ruin of his public career.

Sadly, that is why Libby is looking at nearly three years in prison and a fine of $250,000 (on top of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he's been forced to spend for his defense). He committed no crime — at least not one the government could get close to proving.

Though prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald initially said he would show it was Libby who revealed the identity of former CIA agent Valerie Plame, he failed to do so. Not wanting to fail completely, Fitzgerald did the next best thing — he found inconsistencies in Libby's testimony, the kind commonly found when asking people to recall events more than three years old, and pursued a conviction on charges of obstruction and lying .

A technical case was made to the jury — though the jurors later said they felt Libby was a fall guy and shouldn't have to do time. As Libby's lawyers accurately noted, "There is no evidence in the record here to support a finding that an underlying offense was actually committed by Mr. Libby or anyone else."

Meanwhile, more than 150 public officials, academics and others who knew or worked with Libby — including Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger and Marine Gen. Peter Pace — wrote letters on his behalf to Judge Reggie B. Walton. Some are quite moving, and we commend them to anyone interested in knowing the real Scooter Libby as opposed to the caricature drawn in the gloating mainstream media.

Despite all that, Walton sentenced Libby to 30 months, saying, "People who occupy these types of positions, where they have the welfare and security of the nation in their hands, have a special obligation not to do anything that might create a problem."

With all due respect to Judge Walton, you go to prison in this country not for "creating a problem" but for committing a crime. Our "special obligation" is to obey the law. Period.

As we've said, President Bush should pardon Libby, and the sooner the better. Politics shouldn't determine the outcome of American justice. Libby was found guilty of covering up a crime that neither he nor anyone else was ever charged with committing. This seems to us a Kafkaesque perversion of our justice system.

Sadly, it's also evidence of the bizarre double standard we now have when it comes to official misconduct. Early on, even before he was indicted, Democrats insisted that Libby be fired. They also wanted the head of Bush adviser Karl Rove.

Well, the same day Libby was sentenced, the Justice Department brought a 16-count, 94-page indictment for corruption, bribery and racketeering against Rep. William Jefferson. The Louisiana Democrat was found to have $90,000 of suspicious cash socked away in a freezer at his home. Two of his associates have already pleaded guilty. Yet Jefferson still "serves" in Congress.

By comparison, Libby is a decent man who worked tirelessly to make America safer.

After this travesty, we wonder if any sensible person — Republican or Democrat — would want to serve in a government where raw power and personal destruction hold sway. Ask Scooter Libby.
I am guessing what the response will be,....
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."

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