3leggedfrog-if you were god, you may want to invest in a spell check program
Heraldo Revera is no one we know of... unless you may be talking about Geraldo Rivera... And yes, i'll kill him for you...
Originally posted by 3leggedfrog
End world hunger....end crime... war... but what then would all the celebrities do with their free time? where is the utopia in that!
Come now you are the all powerful being you can do better than that. Try something hard like ending all sopa opreas and reality shows, or end reruns of MASH. oh and please kill Heraldo Revera. At least that way you have a chance at ending all that is evil.
ok i guess you could end world hunger and bring peace to world. *sigh* The celebries will just have to find new ways to annoy us and we will just have to live with the fact that the antichrist is didn't die in Iraq like we hope he would.