Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
This very well might be one of those "sad but true" realities. Although I would like to counter that thought with the idea that if America wants real and lasting change, they need to open their hearts beyond their borders, I don't think this is likely in the current environment. There will be a lot of anger in the coming years; there will be many tears. What is certain is that there needs to be change. America cannot continue on its current path. Such a path is not long for this world. Ghandi's world was a different time and a different place, yes, but to use a metaphor of an open door is an oversimplification. What he accomplished was big and still resonates today.
I don't think Americans need to "open their hearts beyond their borders", whatever that means. I think we need to get back to the ideas of minding our own business and keeping our hands to ourselves on both the national and international level. America abandoned it's founding principles of limited government and individual liberties long ago. Perhaps allowing this country to collapse under the weight of its own bureaucracy and corruption is the best course of action? I think America is too far gone to be saved, but there's plenty of potential for rebuilding.