Since I merged this into an old thread, it deserves a bump to the top.
I started playing on friday with my buddy (phoenix1002)
We went out to the woods on public land in our town, back where nobody bothers to go, and played with me having no hoppper (the spring to hold the elbow in place on my 98 custom is gone) and single-shot loading, and him with a Talon Ghost pump gun. I've spent almost 300 on equipment, he's spent almost 50, he hit me more than I hit him

. I've got some nice welts from hits to bare arms. I took the hopper off his marker with one shot, and he lost the cap for it the second time I hit it.
That was the most fun I've had in a long time.
PS: my airsoft gun did not come with an orange tip, and is banned in some cities because of its resemblance to a real pistol.