May 14, 2007, 0:57 p.m.
First Things First
By Fred Thompson
Editor’s note: This speech was delivered to the meeting of the Council for National Policy in Tysons Corner, Virginia on Saturday, May 12, 2007.
One thing about folks knowing you are going to speak at the Council for National Policy, you get lots of advice as to what to say. A lot of good advice. Good talking points. In fact enough for several speeches. Also, some of your friends, knowing that you are thinking about running for President, urge you to give a rousing campaign speech....
.....I didn’t know Scooter Libby, but I did know something about this intersection of law, politics, special counsels and intelligence. And it was obvious to me that what was happening was not right. So I called him to see what I could do to help, and along the way we became friends. <h3>You know the rest of the story: a D.C. jury convicted him.....</h3>
Translation: wink, wink....hey, Council for National Policy members....I'm an ignorant racist, bigot, too !