Originally Posted by aceventura3
Can you see the other side of the issue? Certainly, using Plame to send a message is problematic, however, at some point people in the CIA have to show loyalty to the administration, discretion and good judgement.
Can I see the other side of the issue? No, I can't. My mind doesn't process asshole thought processes that well. People in the CIA have to protect this country. Not protect the Administration's agenda when the reality does not intersect with their motives. Joe Wilson simply discredited what was a very large part of the President's argument for war. It was very much 'material to our case for war'. How could scare tactics over nuclear weapons be anything BUT? The PRESIDENT had a huge national platform to whip this nation into a frenzy of fear against the possibility that Iraq was preparing nuclear weapons to use against us. I expect and demand that those in our government are truthful to us and if anyone has a way of getting it to us, they do.
Valerie Plame was not appointed to the CIA by Bush. She doesn't own him any extraordinary loyalty. She did not sign one of his draconian loyalty oaths. She was hired to do a job, and she did her job.
Can you imagine if every CIA agent surgically implanted their lips to the Executives ass and ignored the truth, using their position to allow a President to lie us into war in which we are quickly approaching 3,500 casualties?
The CIA is accountable to the office of the President, but the President is supposed to be accountable to us, and the CIA is not supposed to protect him from the truth or help him LIE to us.
The connection to Libby is not reaching. He was the Chief of Staff to the VP. The 4th most powerful and influential position in our Executive Office. There is a reason he was convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements to federal investigators. He was protecting others in the Executive Office. It didn't start or stop with Libby. We know that Rove was one of the sources as well, so that is TWO of the four most powerful and influential positions in the Executive Office, that we know of, that were privy to this crime.
The President lied. He was informed well before his SOTU that the yellowcake claim was false. He lied about it to us anyway.