Originally Posted by Miss Mango
For those of you who said yes, do you pee in other people's showers when you stay the night at family or friend's homes?
No, as I said in my post I refrain from doing that at anyone else's house. I wouldn't be comfortable doing that, mind you I would feel rude if I did do it. It's not like I save peeing for in the shower, but if I'm in the shower and have to go, then I do. I always rinse my shower out and lift and rinse off the bath mat, so in my head, it's not a big deal. I understand that it is gross to some people though I guess. But toilets are pretty gross too when you think about it, no matter how clean you keep em. And wiping, I mean, for a girl when you pee, do you ever wonder exactly how "clean" it makes you or if it just dries you off? At least when I'm in the shower, I know I'm being washed right afterwards, like one of the bum washer things that fancy houses have. Now I'm going off on a different tangent so I shall shut up.