Kin watched as Kuro instinctively moved between he and their newest player in their spectacle. Placing a hand on Kuro's shoulder to set him at ease and taking one last, long drag from his cig before tossing it aside and snubbing it with the tip of his shoe, Kin stepped forward. "I'd like to say he's done attacking," Kin said giving Onigami a quick once over. "but honestly, I can't quite get a read on the guy. All I'm really sure of is that he's definitely unique..."
Fainting a small smile, Kin advanced a few steps towards Onigami before coming to a halt, lighting another cigarette, then proceeding to speak. "You do seem to misunderstand the rules of kentou though. Kentou is supposed be honorable and what you did to that guy...well, all I have to say is ouch." Kin then laughed a little at what he had just said as he thought of how he had honorably dispatched the first guard. "But then again, you do seem to understand that the rules of kentou are more guidelines than actual rules and honor, well...that's really a matter of perception isn't it."
As Kin finished speaking, he brought his eyes up to meet Onigami's. What he saw and what he sensed caused a look of unease to wash over his face. Is this guy even human? His aura is almost like that of a go- Kin stopped himself short as he realized he was overthinking the situation and wasting time; time that they didn't have to spare. Shaking his head slightly and tossing the cigarette he was smoking over his back into the far wall, Kin cast off the feeling of unease that had seemed to immobilize him momentarily and swung around to face Kuro and Aki, as well as the door.
"Well, seems our pathway has opened, huh?" Kin said with a smirk. He then made a wave with his hand motioning Aki and Kuro to follow him and shot Kuro a quick look that carried the excitement he felt down in his gut, which Kuro undoubtedly felt as well. Walking over to the door, boken in his right hand, Kin shoved hard and the doors creaked open before gaining momentum and flying open with a resounding crash as they opened fully and hit the back of the wall. Shooting a quick glance back at Onigami, Kin spoke hurriedly. "So you coming or are you just gonna spectate a little more?"
Kin then took a few steps through the door and was greated by a sight much different than the courtyard the group had just been standing in. What stood in front of him was a room that resembled a cafeteria or lounge more than anything else. The floors were tiled and benched tables were scattered here and there. In the far corner, stood a big screen television where some Japanese game show was visible on the far wall were a number of large pillowed couches and chairs that stood next to a large table covered in all types of different foods and drinks. Sushi rolls, wontons, different breads, sodas, and even beer. Glancing over the room, Kin made eye contact with about five different students, two guys and three girls, who adorned the couches and tables glancing back at him.
We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.
Last edited by Wolfwood; 06-04-2007 at 02:10 PM..