Originally Posted by dirtyrascal7
I try to keep movie/TV watching separate from eating as it is because it's a really easy way to consume a load of fattening calories... your mind is distracted with what's on the screen while you keep feeding your face full of junk. It actually makes me sick to sit in a crowded theater and see all these people cramming their stomachs full like mindless drones.
Originally Posted by terminal
THANK YOU! I'd pay a $5 premium in order to sit in a theater without all those disgusting chewing, crunching, and slurping sounds. Going to the theater is just plain disgusting. I think all food should be banned from the movies. What the hell is wrong with people that they can't sit there for two hours and not have something to eat? The independant movie theaters in NYC seem to be the only places where this isn't such a huge problem. The Angelika has a nice little cafe in the lobby with good food for not-so-insane prices. That way people sit, eat and talk BEFORE the movie. I think every place should be set up like this.
Thank you! Thank you!
I was sitting in the theater just yesterday behind this woman who just kept pulling shit out of her bag. Reese's Pieces, M&M's, bags o' chips and some sort of hard candy that must have been wrapped by some cellophane sadist because it took this woman an enternity to unwrap each one.
[guthmund's movie]
Davey Jones beCRINKLECRINKLECRINKLE "oh, i don't like orange..." CRINKLE CRINKLECRINKLE CRINK....LE.... /guthmund gets up and kicks her seat as he moves to the other side of the theater so he can hear the damn movie.
I've sat through some long ass movies and I understand it's nice to have a snack--I've been known to grab some popcorn myself a time or two--but if you're carrying a small drugstore counter display around with you in your bag, then maybe there's a bigger issue here that needs addressing.