We could put up all the charts and graphs and neat statistical crunches to try to determine why a certain group of people are obese and yada yada yada.
Leave it to us to overthink a simple problem.
We eat food for energy. Energy in food is measured in calories. Once that energy is taken into our bodies, we convert the food energy into motion. Any excess of energy is stored in our bodies as fat. If we take in more calories than we use, we get fat.
It doesn't matter if we have a slow metabolism, genetic predispositions for obesity, fat cousins, food allergies, whatever. The same thing is still true: if we take in more calories than we use, we get fat.
It doesn't matter if we're rich, poor, middle class, marxist, capitalist, socialist, etc. The same thing is still true: if we take in more calories than we use, we get fat.
It doesn't matter if we eat nothing but twinkies and zingers or apples and oranges, the same thing is still true: if we take in more calories than we use, we get fat.
The only real question is: how dumb do you have to be to not understand this?
It's not the economy, stupid; it's science.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses