If you want to see some more freaky pictures that other people took of the same tornado, check out this link:
Originally Posted by Sultana
Borla, I'm so glad you came through it OK. What's gonna happen about the SUV though?
Well, about 90 seconds after the winds died, my practical side kicked in.

I realized that literally across the street was an autoglass repair. I drove the vehicle over there, gave them my company's insurance info, and was the second in line to get my glass fixed.

They literally brought in crews to work all night through from all the vehicles with damage, but fortunately mine was nearly the first in there, so I was able to have it by 10-11AM the next day. Also fortunately for me, the car dearlership that you see in the first few pictures rents cars, so after dropping my vehicle off I was able to rent another car, finish out what I needed to do while I was in town, and then head back the next day as planned.
The vehicle has a ton of dents and pockmarks down the driver's side from debris hitting it, but like I said, it is a company vehicle. They will probably just file it against the insurance and get it fixed I assume.