Originally Posted by match000
So I guess since the vagina doesn't get "tighter", by inference from what you said, there is little to no connective tissue down there?
*sigh* this reminds me of those discussions where heterosexuals explain how homosexuality is a pure choice.
The vagina is a muscular organ - Ask your med student friend for a copy of Netter's Human Anatomy if you want to understand this concept.
Next time you are intimate with your girlfriend - pause for a second and ask her to give you a couple of good kegel squeezes so you can see for yourself. My gf's vaginal muscles are well developed (no, she doesn't have a big, muscular crotch) which was a delight to discover and made sex that much more fun.
Originally Posted by match000
So if a virgin is not any tighter, what explains the bleeding that occurs?!
I hope your "first year med student" friend didn't leave you with that rationale. Haven't you ever heard of a
Originally Posted by match000
no, i dont know what kegel are
Do you know what Google is?