Clearly, you don't understand the concept of insurance. That's fine, but the system actually works much better than I think you appreciate.
To directly answer your question, it's unanswerable. Even knowing what zip code you live in, what you drive, what insurance carrier and how what the repair bills are expected to be, I couldn't give you any definitive answer. I'd really have to look at your actual insurance policy to see the values and coverages you have to give you any more than an educated guess. However, my best guess is that you're looking at a 10-30% increase in whatever you're paying now.
By the way, ever single state has a method that allows you to take on the risk of driving a car yourself (self-insure). It's typcially complicated and requires a lot of money posted in a bond that's not refundable so long as you choose to self-insure (doesn't earn interest either), but if you have $20,000 or so sitting around, you should investigate it. Then again, if you have that much money sitting around, I would expect that you're educated enough about the system to realize that there's no other industry that will give you $50,000 if you pay them $500.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo