ok thanks guys,
tecoyah - yes i created an issue, and even if in an unfair way I discovered something quite bad, how they say, the ends justifies the means, don't you think I had the right to know it? Would you call it to lie, a test to find out if someone is lieing? It's like using a truth machine. And I didn't fail the test, she failed. If she would behaved differently, like being just friend, then she would of passed it and everybody's happy.
Was it me who destroied any hope for the truth? ummm i would say it was her.
shakran - the game might have been probably idiot... but i got to discover a side of her I cannot accept ... again, the ends justifies the means
psychodad - shall I apologize to her?!?

didnt really get this, would you explane it to me? -thanks anyway
so, genuine question, why shall i break up?