Kin turned his attention back to the guards and strolled briskly towards the door where they stood. As he approached his destination, the guard on the left raised his head up from staring blankly at the courtyards grassy floor. The guard looked Kin up and down, then spoke with a surprised look on his face.
"Ar..Aren't you Kinnikun Makihara?"
Kin came to a halt a few yards from the guard on the left and gave a slight nod and grin in response. He recognized the guard as a second-year who had been in his homeroom the prior year. Kin had been friendly with him, but definitely did not consider him a friend, or even an acquaintance. Escpecially now.
"Didn't you leave after you did kentou with-"
Kin smirked as the guard uttered the word kentou, and then acted in an instant. Bringing his boken up into both of his hands and holding it out horizontally in front of him, Kin lunged at the guard on the left. A loud thud echoed through the small courtyard as Kin brought his boken across the throat of the left guard and slammed his back into the large wooden door. The guard let out an exasperated cough as Kin forced the air from his lungs.
"You did say 'kentou' didn't you?" Kin asked in a mocking tone. At that moment the guards head slumped forward in an unintentional nod as he passed out. Bringing the boken away from the guards throat and letting his body fall to the ground in a thud, Kin then said "Well, in that case, I accept. And...well, it looks like I win."
Kin then turned to face the guard on the right, who hadn't so much as looked over at his companion during Kin's blitz attack. This gave Kin an uneasy feeling; he had hoped to surprise the other guard and perhaps scare the guard on the right away. The guard on the right continued to look down at the ground as if Kin wasn't there.
Kin could feel his temper start to flare up in response to the guards disrespect, but caught himself. Retreating a few steps away from the door and taking care not to show the guard his back, Kin held his boken in the crook of his arm and fished out his lighter and a crumpled cigarette. Flipping open his zippo, Kin lit his ciggy and pocketed his lighter. Kin took in a deep drag and released a bellowing cloud of smoke.
About this time, Kin noticed that the guard was finally looking at him. "Was the ground really so interesting that it drew your attention away from us?" Kin jested as he took another deep drag.
The guard straightened up his stance, revealing the nodachi he carried in his left hand, and gazed viciously at Kin. "Why are you here?" the guard uttered in an almost undecipherable grumble.
We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.