Originally Posted by Bajingo
Story - I've been with this girl for about 3 months, we haven't had sex yet but we've done hands, and oral, etc.. She is a virgin, I am not. I've had 2 other partners, they were both virgins as well.
Anyway, This girl is so tight, I can use one finger on her pretty easily, but when I use 2 fingers it is painful for her, she likes the pain a little, she gets off really quick like this.
The thing is 2 fingers is no where near the size of a erect cock...
I really think its gonna tear the fuck out of her, I mean... I'm not naive enough to not understand, its supposed to be pretty tight, I understand that, but to be honest, there is no fucking way my shits gonna fit without some 'serious' tearing involved.
her cherry is popped, so that isn't the problem either.
I know the problem is she is a tiny girl, and obviously everything is proportionate.
I'm not really sure what to do here, there is no way I'm gonna get in there even with a whole bottle of KY without her fainting.
Being a 'tiny girl' has nothing to do with it. So, big girls have caverns? No...
Halx is basically right as is The Jazz...she is probably clamping shut out of fear and/or nerves. If she was truly ok with it all and ready, she'd be self-lubed and inviting.
'Cherry popped' has nothing to do with it either-I popped on a bicycle handle; it has nothing to do with allowing (and that's what it all is) a penis to be there.
Don't be pushy, first off. Let her call the shots and get rid of her anxiety when she's ready. Intercourse is a huge deal; even some of us more experienced practitioners have to be totally into the idea of having it, willing to give it and receive it, otherwise it's a lesson in futility for all involved.