Originally Posted by Push-Pull
I'm more a Pepsi guy myself.....
Gum arabic is in just about every soda made from a concentrate, not just Coca-Cola. Checking Wiki, we see "Gum arabic reduces the surface tension of liquids, which leads to increased fizzing in carbonated beverages." So perhaps we can still have our sodas, but they'll be a bit flat.
Even more interesting and on topic, Wiki also says:
Oddly, the connection between Sudan and Osama bin Laden brought the otherwise innocuous gum to public consciousness in 2001, as an urban legend arose that bin Laden owned a significant fraction of the gum arabic production in Sudan, and that therefore one should boycott products using it.[1] As a result, some food producers, for instance Snapple, renamed the ingredient to "gum acacia" on their labels.
This story took on somewhat significant proportions, mostly thanks to an article in The Daily Telegraph a few days after the September 11 attacks, which echoed this claim. Eventually the State Department issued a release stating that while Osama bin Laden had once had considerable holdings in Sudanese gum arabic production, he divested himself of these when he was expelled from Sudan in 1996.
...but I don't have the time nor inclination to fact-check that.