Originally Posted by JinnKai
A handicap of this sort was more likely to exist before the pregnancy and birth than be caused by it.
If you could demonstrate a correlation or causation between the same woman (or man) before the birth of their child and afterwards, then you'd likely have something to go on.
...Or that their age (typically 40+ by the time children are grown enough to be truly responsive by name) has taken it's toll on their mental faculties, moreso than the actual birth of a child.
It's not the age that takes its toll on our mental faculties, it's the kids.
Seriously, I switched names of kids/dogs well before age 30. I think my brain just flashes back to the name/word I use the most in a given circumstance. Example: I worked nights for years. Now that I work days, I keep telling people to have a nice night at 9am.