Originally Posted by The_Jazz
So Bush/Cheney/Rove/Libby are all just dumb animals that don't know any better?
No. They are pretty smart. They knew exactly what they were doing. How did you conclude what you wrote above based on what I wrote?
I remember reading what Bill Gates once said about what Microsoft was going to do to the competition at one of the anti-trust trials. Things can be ruthless in the world and even smart people can be ruthless. I only made the point that Plame had to know who she was dealing with, if she didn't - she was not a good CIA agent.
Even Honest Abe Lincoln used his political power to get what he wanted or to send a message.
Sorry, anyone at that level of power is immediately disqualified from that kind of analogy. Those guys knew what they were doing and had what they thought were very good reasons for it. I think those were bad and illegal reasons, but that's just my opinion and doesn't really matter in the greater scheme of things.
I don't want to go through this again, as I did with another poster here on another issue. All I will say is - there are professions and things certain people should avoid if they don't want to get hurt.