Originally Posted by willravel
I would direct you to the percentage of Americans (or anywhere else) who don't have medical coverage and ask you to explain to them how the free market is working in medicine.
Look at laser eye surgery, with minimal government involvment, active consumers and competition the price went down.
Outside of that, people in this country live longer and better than at anyother time in history, even those without health coverage.
Explain that to me, who paid over $1m for a home that would cost maybe $125k if it were located only 100 miles east.
A. You paid for it. In areas where costs are high, incomes are usually high as well. When ther is an imbalance in a free market, adjustments would come natuarally. In most cities, zoning and other regulations often prevents the building of affordable housing.
*looks up polio* It looks like the WHO and UNICEF did the most to eradicate Polio.
I'm not sure where you're going with this. It's not something I'm familiar with.
When there was an available solution, that solution was made available to everyone.
You know I can not comment. There are exceptions, but generally cholesterol is a lifestyle issue.
'Choose not to have health insurance'? I don't follow....
When I was in my 20's, single and healthy, I choose not to enroll in my employer's healthcare plan at first. I wanted to spend the money on other things. Many can afford health coverage but choose not to buy it. I know people who will spent over $1,000 per month on a car note, insurance, etc., but won't buy health insurance. I know people who will spend over $100 per month on a cell phone, but not buy health insurance. Do I need to go on?
Look at income in this country and tell me that it's the comsumers fault for not making enough money. I dare you.
I say - pay me for the work I do, and let me spend my own money how I want. After taxes and factoring in benefit loads most people net less than half of what they earn. In some major corporations with top level benefit plans the benetif load alone can be 50%+ of an employees salary. In California between state and federal taxes, I bet you net perhaps 50% to 75% if you are salaried making between $75k to about $150K.
My experience with people and what I have seen of the budgets ( most don't have budgets, but a history of what the spend money on). People without health coverage are spending zero on that coverage. A stand alone family healthcare plan can be purchased for between $400 - $600, depending on the deductable and other factors. Some people get subsidized health coverage form their employers, some get medicare or medicaid. People who own cars spend money on notes, maintenance, gas, insurance, car washes, etc. If you add it up, which do you think will be greater for most people?
....isn't that what
I'm saying?[/QUOTE]
It is a question of how much government.