Originally Posted by aceventura3
Laser eye surgery is not covered by most medical health plans or medicare. It is not normally done in hospitals. It is less regulated than other proceedures. The cost have gone down over the years not up.
That's probably due to technological improvements. It's much, much cheaper to do laser eye surgery now.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Value. If you are in a free market and you sell goods or services with no value, you go out of business fast. In free markets profits come from added value.
And things of great value, like medicine, can be hiked up to create higher profits to the detriment of the consumer.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
People taking cholesteral medicine have two choices or actually three. They can pay for the medicine. They can lower their cholesterol through diet and excercise. Or, they can live with high cholesterol.
My dad has bad cholesterol and we have a family of severe heart disease. He exercises and diets. It's only lessened by medicine. He has two choices: take medicine or risk death. I'd hardly call that a choice.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Seems that you argue this point just for the sake of argument. Or, it seems that you think people are generally unable to make informed decisions. I think most people are pretty savy and can live o.k. without government looking out for them.
Nearly 47 million Americans, or 16 percent of the population, were without health insurance in 2005. The number of uninsured rose 1.3 million between 2004 and 2005 and has increased by almost 7 million people since 2000.
Rapidly rising health insurance premiums are the main reason cited by all small firms for not offering coverage. Health insurance premiums are rising at extraordinary rates. Over the past five years the average annual increase in inflation has been 2.5 percent while health insurance premiums for small firms have escalated an average of 12 percent annually
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Yes. Fraud, criminal activity, negligence are the things we need government involved in.
No one can do anything about it, so we might as well bend over and take it, right? That doens't sound like something a self-described wolf would do.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
I would put people in jail for criminal behavior or fraud. Civil courts can handle negligence, although I would make some reforms to our present system.
So you'd change government to better regulate medicine? That's a bit of a 180 from what you've said above.