Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Face reality my brother, you and I are the most discriminated against species on the planet at this time.
Humor: even more than the cockroach? There are people out there who hate whites more than they hate cockroaches? What about rats? Or fleas?
Not humor: referring to whites as a separate species smacks of deep racism and marginalizes anything associated with that kind of claim. If you're going to stand behind that kind of sentiment, dk, my estimation of you just took a big nosedive.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If you were talking civil cases, maybe...but you're talking about a slow crawl justice system with DA's more interested in political careers than you are anything else and the reality of that is, your death or mine just doesn't frickin matter to them. I'm not very up to speed on san fran crime, but here in dallas/fort worth, it's just not the way you describe.
While I will agree with this up to a point, hate crime laws have been used in black-on-white crime but rarely. Typically those kinds of crime have another motivation along with the hate, typcially robbery or drugs. Blacks just don't go out looking for a random white person to kill as often as whites do.