Originally Posted by Kadath
I do remember 1997, for obvious reasons. I also think I remember the Marlins turning around the year after that and selling the entire team and saying they had lost a ton of money winning the World Series.
You are free to keep thinking you know it all and are entitled to the popularity the Red Sox enjoy; that is very typical of a Boston fan. Watch ESPN sometime and see which two teams get more coverage. Think about the fact that Bristol, Connecticut is situated about halfway between NYC and Boston and the impact that ESPN has on sports across the country.
And I'm not crying we don't have the money. My guys keep putting together solid teams for about half the cost your guys do. They're building slowly, because they couldn't maintain the spending of the 90s. I'm just discouraging you from bragging about your hitters; you've got the money to buy Manny and Ortiz. Cleveland has the 8th lowest salary in baseball and the third best record. That's using money and brains, my friend. 
Oi man, I don't know it all.. never claimed to. I'm just saying that if you're complaining that the Jake can't sell out and the payroll is so small, then the management should look at how Boston makes so much money on merchandise sales etc.
I've been a Bo'Sox fan for who knows how long.. since birth I guess and have had to endure some rotten seasons, shitty GM's and rotten teams. Every team goes through it.
Your management may build solid teams with half the money but they obviously haven't fielded a Series winning team with that money. Granted it took the Sox forever to do it but hell.. they did it.
ESPN is bullshit in their coverage.. they talk about the skankees constantly .. I understand where you're coming from in that. However, take ESPN's coverage of the skanks and Red Sox, and you'd still see them make a killing in merchandise sales. That's just how it is right now. I can remember being made fun of for wearing a Boston cap.. now, I can't turn around without seeing one.. it's pisses me off sometimes because I know people are just fair weather fans.. but hey, if it makes the team money.. then so be it.
The problem with teams like the Indians is that injuries are more dramatic. Unless the Indians have a good farm system (I have no idea.. enlighten me) then take your $60 million.. spend on what you can and there's no room for error. Even big teams go through it (see: last years Red Sox)
I'm not denying there is a huge difference between small and big market teams. I just think that if you put the right people in the front office, you can take a small market team and turn it into a big market team.