I do remember 1997, for obvious reasons. I also think I remember the Marlins turning around the year after that and selling the entire team and saying they had lost a ton of money winning the World Series.
You are free to keep thinking you know it all and are entitled to the popularity the Red Sox enjoy; that is very typical of a Boston fan. Watch ESPN sometime and see which two teams get more coverage. Think about the fact that Bristol, Connecticut is situated about halfway between NYC and Boston and the impact that ESPN has on sports across the country.
And I'm not crying we don't have the money. My guys keep putting together solid teams for about half the cost your guys do. They're building slowly, because they couldn't maintain the spending of the 90s. I'm just discouraging you from bragging about your hitters; you've got the money to buy Manny and Ortiz. Cleveland has the 8th lowest salary in baseball and the third best record. That's using money and brains, my friend.