I thought the season finale was great. I can't remember when I figured out we were watching the present, but I had a feeling that something was wrong throughout the whole episode. It just seemed weird that Jack was an addict and that he was going to a funeral for someone unknown to us. And I don't think it's Locke, as someone previously said. The name starts with "Jo" but there's also "_antham" after that. I'll be happy to be surprised when the show starts up again, so I won't be looking up every character's name in an effort to discover if it's someone we already know. However, it could be someone high up from the ship that Jack radios. If he wants to get back to the island then he would be upset that someone who knows where it is is now dead.
I figure that Charlie must have believed that if he lived then Claire would not be saved. It's the only explanation given the size of the porthole that's in the background when we see him floating in the room. There's no way that he couldn't swim through that thing, it's enormous.
I don't even want to think about the implications for the next few seasons now that we've seen that the Lost get off the island. I don't think I'll enjoy watching 2-3 seasons of island-episodes when we know they get off; conversely, I'm not sure how I feel about watching episodes of Jack recruiting people to try to get back to the island. I'll just be waiting patiently till next season, hoping it doesn't disappoint.
I never let school interfere with my education.