Groups mostly use "terror tactics" to communicate political messages.
The most common message is "get out of my land". That's what the suicide bombers in Palestine are communicating. That's what the insurgents in Iraq are communicating. It's what Osama bin Laden is communicating. In a sense, it's even what Timothy McVeigh was communicating. These people state this outright. They publish pamphlets, host webpages, and deliver video and audio tapes to journalists.
Of course you are correct that the use of "terror" as a tactic is a choice. We use it all the time. Remember "Shock and Awe"? The intent was to use our military power to terrify the Iraqi military. A lot of these terrorist groups use violence as a means of communication because they don't feel that they have other viable recourse - and they don't, really. This is a lesson that has been learned well by many groups, from Kim Jong Il to Al Qaeda.
I'd like to know what makes you think that "their motivation is to control how people live", unless of course, you mean that their motivation is to control how they live.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam