Originally Posted by tecoyah
To place the blame on Congressional Democrats seems somewhat misdirected in my opinion, as they are fighting with hands tied behind backs.
They were elected to fight, not roll over. The troops have enough money for several more months without getting additional funding. That's time the democrats could be kicking up one hell of a fuss, but instead they're terrified that Bush & Co. might badmouth them.
Originally Posted by Host
This is not over. Let us not lose sight of who is really to blame for our circumstances in Iraq
Don't get me wrong Host - the dems are NOT to blame for starting the war or for bungling it. That's all on Bush and his cronies. But they ARE to blame for not fighting this down to the last possible chance. Rolling over, especially this early, teaches Bush a very important lesson - - if he sits there and refuses to budge eventually the democrats will cave and give him anything he wants. That's not the lesson these people were elected to teach.
I don't think that saying the democrats screwed up is lumping them in with Bush. Bush screwed up worse, definitely, and he screwed up first. But just as I have complained so loudly about the republicans saying "But Clinton!!" that this forum has named a law after me about it, I also object to the other side saying "but Bush!!!" It doesn't matter to me that Bush has been doing the wrong thing since day 1 as far as my evaluation of the democrats goes. If they screw up, they screw up, and claiming that someone else screwed up too and therefore it's probably OK for them to screw up, is disingenuous.
They're all we've got, they've all demonstrated that they've had and exercised good judgment, and I am not ready to believe that they are all hypocrites.
I joined this board in 2003, when Bush was in the middle of being the nation's number one jackass. Because he's all that there has been to fight against many on here have gotten the impression that I'm a staunch democrat. I am not. Hypocrites might not be the word I'd chose to describe these particular democrats. Chickenshit might be a little closer. Utter cowards is pretty much right on the money. They were elected with a mandate from the people. End the war. They are supposed to do what the people want them to do. It's that simple. Rolling over and letting Bush once again have his way is in direct opposition to what the people want.
The correct move would be to refuse to pass a funding bill, period, that doesn't have a deadline in it. Bush can veto it all he wants, and they can keep sending it back to him. The lack of funding for the troops would be on Bush's shoulders, not Congress. If Bush truly cares about the troops as he (falsely) claims to, then he will accept the legislation when it comes down to the wire. If he doesn't, then that right there would bring more of congress in line with the legislation - perhaps enough to overturn the veto.
What's the point of getting rid of a rubber stamp congress if the new congress still gives Bush anything he wants?