Kpax: Why haven't you said a word in response to almost every single person's urging you to get professional counseling? I am just wondering if you are ignoring that part of what everyone is saying, or you don't agree, or you have tried that, or what? I think it is the most crucial part of people's advice to you here, but you haven't commented on it whatsoever. Why?
Do you hear what we are saying... that YOU NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP?
None of us are joking about this. We are not trying to make you laugh, or feel like you are "okay." You are not. Please, make an appointment with a counselor at your school, if you are at university. Open the phone book and find one. And please, tell the counselor everything you have told us here. That is the only way to find yourself in a better situation than you are now.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran