It's going to take a long time (if ever) for you to understand why the ring is not the issue here.
It takes only a short time and a simple mistake for something tragic to happen when someone confused like you are has ready access to a gun.
I say this as a properly concerned, fellow gun owner: You need to immediately make the guns unavailable to yourself. Have a friend lock them up in a safe somewhere. Ask the county sheriff to lock them up if you have to. But don't leave them where you have access to one in a fit of passion or rage. Everyone reading this thread foresees a tragic event when you present this ring and get a very horrified reaction from the girl, or you have some kind of confrontation with her family prior to doing so. The pain you are going to feel when she rejects you to your face is going to be so searingly intense, you can't properly predict what you're going to do. Best not to have a gun easily available then and there.