OK, I don't usually jump in on things like this, Kpax, but there's something you need to consider.
This girl has a brother. Brothers get very protective of their sisters.
Now, speaking as an official Scary Overprotective Big Brother, lemme clue you in on what's probably going through this guy's head. His thought-process probably runs something like this;
Front sight! Press! Front Sight!
What this means, in non-technical language, is that advancing further on this person's sister has a significant chance of shortening your lifespan rather drastically. If -my- sister were being persued by my roomate in the way you're persuing this person, I would be watching said roomate like a hawk to make sure he didn't try anything stupid or crazy.
And if he -did- try such a thing, the consequences would be swift and potentially lethal. You don't go acting creepy around some dude's sister. Bad move. Calling the cops would be the -best- you could hope for, and that would probably come after some significant violence.
Understand, even if you're trying to do the right thing here, you're sending some extremely creepy vibes. You're displaying an obsessive pattern of behavior coupled with an inability or near-total unwillingness to analyze your actions and attitudes. This is a dangerous enough set of behaviors that her brother is probably doing a whole lot more than sleeping with his light on, like sleeping with Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson nearby.
Get rid of the ring. Sell it, hock it, smash it with a hammer, but get rid of it. Not only is it creepy as hell, it's a physical reminder of some extremely unhealthy emotions from which you need to distance yourself as much as possible.
(God, I never thought I'd say this to anyone ever...)
Get rid of the guns. All of them. If you keep this up, you're going to lose them anyway when the Restraint Order is filed or you get hit with felony stalking charges; both of which are looking like very realistic outcomes.
Move out. ASAP. You're in a bad situation where you are now, and physical distance can help you get your head straight. It also lessens the chances of an embarassing encounter with the lady in question.
You, my friend, are playing dangerous games here, the kind of games where people's lives* and sanities* are put at serious risk by your behavior. Take the advice of the people here, most of whom are smarter than I: get help. Quickly.
*Your own life as well.