You are so not even paying attention to anything we tell you. You're hearing what you want to hear. Stop it.
Originally Posted by Kpax
2) Can't really take it back or attempt a backtracking of sorts. This whole situation is based on belief (that I bought the ring, which I did), but not on physical proof (although, I did buy the ring). So, they won't believe me if I say I took it back...
Get rid of it anyway. The truth is always better than a lie. Telling people you don't have the ring when you do is just creating a situation with the potential to bite you in the ass, and you do not need this item. When the time comes to give a girl that sort of gift, you can go get another. That future girl will appreciate something bought for her more and it sounds like, being blunt, you're a long way from anything like that right now anyway.
Originally Posted by Kpax
5) When she hid from me that one day, my roomate quoted her later as saying, "I still like him (as a friend). Why does it have to be like this?" Make no mistake, I didn't read into that as her liking me, besides as a friend, but that in itself tells me that there is still hope. I mean, how can she be creeped out? I never offered the ring.
But she was still hiding from you. She doesn't want anything to do with you right now and if I were you I wouldn't anticipate that changing any time soon.
Originally Posted by Kpax
6) Yesterday, I overheard her talking to my other roomate, who was going to Seattle with her brother. He said, "Well, you'll have to park out in the front, but we'll just hurry and hop into (so-and-so's) car..." It's obvious that they were trying to sneak past me. This was a bit heartwrenching.
See above. What gets me is that you're surprised by something like this.
Originally Posted by Kpax
I appreciate the counsel I have read here, though. Ordinarily I would be going crazy over how this has went, but my main goal was to send a message (not creepiness, though). What keeps me sane is that I still have the ring, can still use it, and that it wasn't me who failed, but the ones who told her about it prematurely. Hopefully she'll remember me as I move away...
No, no. It was most definitely you.
You want to send a girl a message? You buy her dinner. You buy her flowers. A teddy bear. These are all actions that send a message, specifically the message 'I am romantically interested in you.' Buying her a $3000 diamond ring is either 'I want to marry you' or 'I'm going to give this to you as payment for sex.' Are either of those the message you wanted to send?
How are you expecting to use this ring? The girl you originally bought it for doesn't even want to be in the same room as you, and frankly I really can't say I blame her. And any girl in the future is going to wonder why you just happen to have a very expensive diamond ring lying around.
I'm not sure what you expected here. You say that the people who failed are the ones who told her you bought her this ring. Do you honestly think things would have gone any better if you'd had the chance to surprise her with it?