Originally Posted by willravel
I end up wondering if we're looking at the first generation of Christian terrorists.
Perhaps, with a but... The problem with the Christian terrorists theory is... where are they? I mean you have to search for these people and yes they are zelous and yes they are stupid but its unlikely any of them are killing anyone. Even your example of the planned parenthood bombings... These are ultra rare and all it takes is a little real research to see that this repersents less then a percent, maybe as little a 1/10 of a percent of the christian faith. Where as muslim terrorists is atleast 3%. I am not talking about the people who sypathize. I realize that much more then 1/10th of a percent of christians may believe that the bombings are a good idea. I am talking the people phsyically doing it. In short, these people are idiots but I think they are far removed from terrorists.