First off, I don't think it is just lower income people in the West that are fat. Obesity is a problem across all income strata.
Secondly, it isn't just fast food that is the issue. The issue is processed food. I cannot find the statistic now but I was reading recently that the average person needs roughly 1500 calories per day. To purchase 1500 calories of healthy, fresh food, costs around $5.00 to $6.00. To purchase the same 1500 calories in processed foods... $1.50 to $2.00.
Have a look at the supermarket the next time you are there. Have a look at how the food aisles are set up. Where are the healthy foods in relation to the processed foods? How are processed foods marketed vs. fresh?
Processed food is not only higher in calories, it is usually ready to consume (marketed as time saving).
High in the ingredients list of most processed foods is High Fructose Corn syrup (or other starches and sugars derived from corn). The US subsidy of the farming industry has left you with a massive surplus of corn that scientists have worked hard to find uses for. It has been used in everything from Coke and Cereal to Bread and Canned Goods.
The interesting thing is that it frequently isn't being used as a substitute for a previously used ingredient (like substituting cane sugar for corn sugar) but rather is being used in addition to the other substances (e.g. it is added to the top of mass produced bread to make sure it goes that lovely shade of golden brown).
The end result is higher calories and lesser quality foods at cheaper prices.
I haven't even got into the ideas of portion control, high starch diets being cheaper than low (i.e. pasta, potatoes, etc.), the deep fryer vs. baking, junk food for snacks... etc. The whole food supply and how it is consumed is problematic in the west.
Food is cheap there. Bad food is cheaper. You can eat excessive calories and stuff yourself and still be on a budget.
This has nothing to do with your income level.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke