Is physical therapy involved in recovering from your accident? I don't know what your insurance/money situation is, but maybe physical therapy could both help you recover from your accident faster and help you excercise more to keep the weight down. Also, even if you can't exercise as much as you'd like, you could maybe look into changing your diet for awhile. If your activity level is lower due to your injuries, and you're taking in the same number of calories, it stands to reason you'd gain weight. Reducing what you eat and eating healthier could help with the weight gain - but alas not with muscle tone, etc.
This does sound like something temporary that you can work through as you recover from your injuries - I just hope your girl is understanding and supports you through this tough time. Be sure to let her know what you're feeling so she doesn't feel pushed away.
You can work through this, dude - good luck, and let us know how things are going!