There are other factors too.
1. If you aren't eating enough or healthy, doesn't the body store whatever food you do eat as fat in anticipation?
2. Some of the fat poor people (homeless people) may have a disease too. I'm not too sure, but I think there may be some disease or condition that causes a person to bloat or store fat even though they don't eat well or regularly. Kind of like the starving African kids with the distended bellies.
3. Eating poorly is a direct result of getting in a bad cycle. I have occasionally gone through this. When I am working too much, don't have enough time and exhausted all the time, I turn to McDs etc. Tyring to buy a little time at the expense of my health. During that cycle I look like crap - skin is bad, poor energy levels, and feel like crap from all the fat clogging my veins.
So it's not much of a stretch to see why poor people could end up in this situation. During one of my college years, I always gained 5-10 lbs during finals week. I would essentially not shave, bathe or change clothes for a week, staying up all night studying, and eating crappy. I looked like a homeless guy.
On addiction. I think cigarettes are the most addictive besides coffee. Heroin addicts quit heroin before they quit smoking. Quitting takes will power, discipline and commitment.